
Review our FAQs to see if your question is answered here.

For technical support with existing API licenses, please have authorized contacts reach out to eMoney via (888)362-8482 

How do I connect to eMoney APIs? 

eMoney APIs utilize a certificate-based authentication method for connectivity. To access our APIs, you will need to provide the eMoney Team with a X.509 Public Certificate signed by an external, trusted Certificate Authority (CA). Once authenticated, you will be provided with an Admin level ID that can be used to access any client or advisor data in your office.

Refer to the Getting Started page for a step-by-step detailed explanation of how to connect to the eMoney APIs.

Why is a CERT needed for consuming APIs? 

At this time, eMoney only supports a certificate-based authentication method. We will support credential-based authentication in a future release.

Should I use the same certificate for testing and production?  

No. eMoney strongly suggests that you use a unique certificate for testing and a different unique certificate for production.  

Do I need to have a separate user created for authentication?  

When connecting to eMoney Access APIs, you authenticate using a JWT token, not a user.

What level of security is used when using eMoney APIs?  

We use the industry-standard OAuth 2.0 authentication workflow, over HTTP with the latest Transport Layer Security (TLS).

Are there any call limits or rate limiting with eMoney APIs? 

Our APIs have a built-in rate limit of 60 concurrent calls.  If you reach this limit, you will receive errors with response code 429.   

In addition to the above limit, all of our Monte Carlo endpoints have a 250 call per hour limit, and when that limit is reached, you will receive errors with response code 429.   

What is a User ID? 

A User ID is a unique eMoney identifier for a given user, which is a non-client / non-end investor role. Examples are Advisors, Assistants, Planners, etc. To get the User ID, use the GET /users endpoint under the “Users” section of our documentation to return all users and their User ID. The User ID can then be used with a variety of endpoints to get specific information for that user. 

What is a Client ID? 

A Client ID is a unique eMoney identifier for a given client / end investor. To get a Client ID, use the GET /clients endpoint under the “Clients” section of our documentation to return all clients and their Client ID. The Client ID can then be used with a variety of endpoints to get specific information for that client. 

Note that this is different than the API Client ID that was provided to you by eMoney for authentication. 

What is a Plan ID? 

A Plan ID is a unique eMoney identifier for a given plan. A plan is what eMoney considers the collection of facts, fact changes, assumptions, and planning techniques to provide an output. Some examples are Base Facts, Advanced Planning Scenarios, What-Ifs, or a combination of those.  
The Plan ID is important so you can ensure you are making changes to the correct plan, as well as retrieving the correct information for the plan you want. To get all available Plan IDs for a client, use the GET /clients/{clientId}/plans endpoint under the “Plans” section of our documentation. Additionally, the Base Fact Plan ID ("basePlanId") is returned in the GET /clients/{clientId} response. 

Check out the collection of all eMoney APIs